By Barkindo Abdullahi Yakubu

Malam Abubakar Salihu, the Permanent Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Adamawa State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Commission who also holds the traditional titles of Sarki Turawa Gurin and Wakili Asibiti Shelleng, has displayed exceptional leadership qualities since his redeployment to the Commission as its Chief Executive Officer CEO and transformed the organization to be in tandem with global best practices in Hajj management. His efforts have brought about significant improvements and advancements within the Commission.

Here are some key aspects of his transformational leadership:

  1. Strategic Vision: Malam Abubakar Salihu possesses a clear and forward-thinking vision for the organization. He recognized the importance of aligning the Commission with global best practices in Hajj management. Through his strategic planning, he set the direction for the Commission’s growth and development.
  2. Innovation and Modernization: Abubakar Salihu introduced innovative ideas and modernized the Commission’s operations. He embraced technology and implemented digital solutions to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and improve the overall experience for Pilgrims. This has resulted in smoother operations and better service delivery.
  3. Collaboration and Partnerships: Malam Abubakar Salihu fostered collaboration and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, both within and outside the organization. He recognized the importance of working together with other agencies, government bodies, and international organizations to leverage resources, share knowledge, and enhance the Commission’s capabilities.
  4. Training and Capacity Building: Malam Abubakar Salihu prioritized the training and capacity building of the Commission’s staff members. He organized workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge in Hajj management. This investment in human capital has empowered the staff to handle their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently.
  5. Quality Assurance: Malam Abubakar Salihu implemented stringent quality assurance measures to ensure that the Commission adheres to global standards in Hajj management. He introduced robust monitoring and evaluation systems to assess performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the Commission consistently delivers high-quality services to Pilgrims.
  6. Transparency and Accountability: Malam Abubakar Salihu emphasized transparency and accountability within the Commission. He established clear processes, procedures, and guidelines to ensure that all activities are carried out in a transparent and accountable manner. This has enhanced public trust and confidence in the Commission’s operations.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Malam Abubakar Salihu instilled a culture of continuous improvement within the Commission. He encouraged feedback from staff members, Pilgrims, and other stakeholders to identify areas for enhancement. Through regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms, he ensured that the Commission consistently evolves and adapts to meet the changing needs and expectations of pilgrims.

Malam Abubakar Salihu’s transformational leadership has had a profound impact on the Muslim Pilgrims Commission in Adamawa State. Under his guidance, the organization has embraced global best practices in Hajj management, resulting in improved efficiency, enhanced service delivery, and an overall better experience for Pilgrims. His dedication, strategic vision, and commitment to excellence have positioned the Commission as a model for others to follow.

Barkindo Abdullahi Yakubu,
Wakili Gabas Nassarawo Abba.
October 02, 2023.