Senator Iya Abbas Sympathizes With Victims Of Heavy Windstorm in Hong Local Govt.

The Senator Representing Adamawa Central Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Distinguished Senator Aminu Iya Abbas has commiserated with victims of the recent windstorm that destroyed some houses, worship centres and public structures in Pella, Garari, Wuro Garba, Jabba, Lugga and Mombol of Hong Local Government Area

Senator Abbas who is the chairman senate committee Science, Technology and Innovation also call on Governments at all levels to as matter of urgency provide emergency relief materials to the victims of the windstorm especially those that are displaced by the disaster.

The federal lawmaker made the call while symphatizing with the victims through his media office in Yola on the recent windstorm disaster which rendered many homeless and properties worth millions of naira destroyed as residence continue counting losses of their belongings.

He said the emergency assistance especially building materials will help to rebuild the affected communities, and urged the victims especially those in rural areas to desist from cutting down of trees to prevent loss of lives and properties to natural disasters.

The Senator added that he is working with relevant stakeholders to work out modalities in order to meet with Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency ADSEMA, National Emergency Management Agency NEMA and other relevant Government and Non Governmental organizations to come to the aid of the affected communities.