The Speaker Adamawa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Bathiya Wesley, has referred the 2024 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Economic and Fiscal Update (EFU) to Committee on Finance, Budget and Appropriation for scrutiny.

Rt. Hon. Bathiya had while presiding over Tuesday plenary session, committed the MTEF to the committee for the purpose of scrutiny and gave it 2 weeks within which to submit its report.

This followed the consideration of an importance of a letter forwarded to the assembly by Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri.

Governor Fintiri, in a letter dated 30th October, 2023, requested the hallowed chamber to approve the 2024 MTEF which according to him was designed primarily to guide the government in its annual planning.

Earlier, speaking while considering the importance of the letter, the Majority Leader and member representing Demsa constituency, Hon. Kate Raymond Mamuno, described the letter as timely consudering the fact that the year is coming to an end.

Hon. Kate told the assembly that if the MTEF is finally considered and approved, will help Governor Fintiri led administration in planning on how to deliver more dividends of democracy to the electorate.

Baring his mind, the member representing Guyuk constituency, Hon. Sunday Peter, congratulated the Governor for transmitting the MTEF at this crucial time, saying that it will enable the government to present 2024 budget ahead of time for consideration.

Also speaking, the member representing Gombi constituency, Hon. Japhet Kefas, said that the letter is timely and it reflects the yearnings of their electorate and commended the Governor for timely transmission of MTEF