Yola fire disaster: Kabiru presents over N5m to victims

The Member representing Yola South constituency at the Adamawa State House of Assembly, Alhaji Kabiru Mijinyawa has donated the sum of N5.180million to the victims of fire infano.

Over 250 business men benefited from the assistance by the lawmaker with the sum of N20,000 each.

Presenting the money to the victims at the scene of the incident, Kabiru Mijinyawa, commiserated with the victims and urged them to take it as an act of God.

A former Speaker of the Assembly and a third lawmaker, Kabiru told the gathering that he was planning to give all the victims something tangible, but that could not work out as planned and pleaded with those that could not benefit to exercise patience.

He assured that he will do everything possible to support those that could not benefit, and promised to reach out to his wealthy friends to help the businessmen regain their losses.

The legislator explained that he was away for treatment when the incident occured, explaining that he had discussed with Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, on the state of market barely a week to the fire disaster.

He said he had made a case for the construction of a modern market to house all the traders while he was discussing with the Governor, saying that the Governor had promised to construct it with all the needed facilities.

The lawmaker said that he is a member of the committee mandated to search for a befitting place to relocate the businessmen before the commencement of the construction, assuring that every businessman will be carried along.

Responding, the District Head of Yola, Alh. Zubairu Adamu Bawuro, lauded the lawmaker for the gesture.

The District Head applauded Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, for promising to construct new market, expressing optimism that the market will be constructed to boost economic activities in the LGA and state in general.