RE RUN ELECTION: Gov Fintiri calls on 7 Pulling Units to give block votes to Kallamu

As the bye election for Mayo Belwa Constituency draw nearer, Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has called on the seven  polling units in mayo belwa to give block votes for the peoples democratic party candidate Musa Mahmud Kallamuallamu ahead of the state house of assembly Re-run election of Mayo Belwa constituency  coming up this Saturday. 

Represented by the Deputy  Governor professor Kaletapwa Farauta who led the high powered  delegation on behalf of governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri to mayo belwa  to convass for support for the candidate under the PDP party.

The governor charged the electorates of the seven polling units where the bye election will be conducted to work towards delivering the people’s democractic party PDP which have  Musa Mahmud Kallamu  as its candidate at the polls.

He appealed  to the people where the rerun will take place to conduct themselves peacefully before and after  the  election and desist from violence which is capable of causing problem for  the credible and transparent conduct of the  rerun election.  

 Governor Fintiri  stressed  that his  administration  has provided the needed  dividends of democracy, hence the need for electorates to reciprocate the gesture through voting the peoples democratic party candidate  during this rerun.

In their separate remarks,  the  speaker of  the state house of assembly Bathiya Wesley and the secretary to the state government Barrister Auwal Tukur both advocate  for total support for PDP for  more dividends of democracy in mayo belwa and the state  in general. 

They expressed confidence that Kallamu is a right  representative who was been tested and trusted, which prompt  state government  to come over to show him solidarity.

There were goodwill messages from various  stakeholders which  include the state PDP chairman represented by his vice Stephen Doma and the party chairman of people democratic party of Mayo Belwa  also stress the need to rally round the party particularly kallamu.

They then reiterated their commitment to deliver PDP, and advice  the candidate to sustain the  good quality leadership  he has been known with.

Responding the peoples democratic party  candidate Musa Mahmud Kallamu thanked Adamawa State government for the support and solidarity showed to him promise never to disappoint them.

Kallamu assured  that the state  project is his top priority  and will not compromise the vision and mission of governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri when elected as member.